What We Do
More Good Days Foundation is a grassroots coalition of people coming together to prop each other up in times of need. Opportunities to partner with us include everything from individual to corporate contributions of time, talent, and resources. Take a look below to explore. We can't wait to have you join us!
SCHS Senior Scholarship
Deliveries (Produce, meals etc.)
Memory Quilts
Chalk Encouragement
"Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn..."
Romans 12:15
More Good Days Foundation Scholarship
Through specific, intentional, practical, and collaborative community-based efforts, the More Good Days Foundation extends support to individuals and families in the acute phases of critical health challenges.
​The More Good Days Scholarship was established in loving memory of Reb McDaniel by his family and dear friends/ board members. Reb battled cancer courageously for 18 months before being called Home to Heaven leaving behind his loving wife Julie, college freshman daughter CJ and San Clemente High School freshman son Cole. We understand firsthand the ways in which these tragedies can rock the family unit and specifically how it can impact the future plans and decisions of children who have experienced such hardship and loss.
Collectively, we acknowledge the fact that life’s deepest struggles are often the backdrop for profound displays of resilience and grace. As a More Good Days team, we would like to extend grace out of the overflow of that which we received during our own trial. Specifically, this scholarship aims to support SCHS seniors who are planning on attending college and who have experienced the sickness and/or loss of a parent or family member.
Current SCHS senior in good standing with an academic GPA (weighted) of 3.0 or higher
Immediate family member is seriously ill or has passed away
Planning to pursue higher education following graduation from HS ​
"I cannot thank you all enough for this amazing opportunity! This scholarship was an opportunity for me to find closure with no restrictions, and allowed me to feel free to write whatever I felt. You are doing amazing things and giving high school students the chance to heal and grieve. Thank you for recognizing the struggles of students learning to find balance between school and life after losing a loved one. Your foundation is changing lives and I am forever grateful for all who made this scholarship possible! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"
2022 MGD Scholarship Recipient
"Thank you so much for this scholarship, it really means the world to me. I truly appreciate your generosity and this money will aid me in accomplishing my goals of completing my education as the first woman in my family."
2022 MGD Scholarship Recipient
"I am so unimaginably grateful for the fund that you provided me with. This will help me in my endeavors to such a large extent as I go on to my next chapter, and I want to say god bless you to everyone that was involved with this amazing opportunity."
2022 Scholarship Recipient
"I encourage those in my similar situation to read Reb McDaniel’s story. It was an eye opener that others around me can be experiencing similar things. I also encourage reaching out to family and friends for support during times of mourning. I found it to be very helpful when I was feeling down, to lean on someone for support. It is also a good reminder to know that it is okay to reach out for help and no part of that should be easy. In the end you have to find the healthiest ways to cope and surround yourself with good people."
2023 Scholarship Recipient
"In the last few years of High School I was struggling with grief, it was difficult feeling alone in the process. As I discovered the More Good Days Foundation I got to see what it was really all about. Reading the story of Reb McDaniel shined a light of hope into my eyes. I hadn’t realized that there are other people around me that can be experiencing similar things. This gave me a bit of hope knowing that Reb McDaniels name was carried on and not forgotten." This scholarship not only privileges me financially but also mentally, giving me some comfort and hope to continue on in college."